This week has been the longest/hardest week we have ever had. We left Seattle last Friday to go to Wenatchee for Eric's brothers mission "farewell". We headed to Spokane on Monday afternoon so we could spend Christmas with my family. We got in around 6:30pm. My family was all there, and it was so fun to see them. Sara, my sister, had flown home to Spokane early, so she was extra excited to see our family again. She held Andrew, fed him, let him touch whatever he wanted (ornaments, lights, decorations), and then laid him down in bed at about 7:30. We played games, hung out, and all went to bed. I got up the next morning and fed Jared. Just as I finished feeding him, Sara ran down the stairs yelling for someone to go get Andrew (she didn't want to yell "Andrew is dead"). She had gone to get him out of bed, and when she felt him, she could tell he had passed away. We ran upstairs, I called 911, but he had been gone for a while. The EMT's called it SIDS. We were in a state of shock.
We said a lot of prayers, family prayers, couple prayers, personal prayers. The day before we had decided to go to the temple, so Eric and I decided to stick with our plan and go. The session was supposed to start at 11:15, and we walked into the temple at 11:19. The Brother who checked our recommends told us the next session would be at 12:30, but as he was telling us that, a man stepped up and said they would hold the session for us if we'd hurry. I had thought my Mom had called to tell them to hold the session for us and told them what had happened. We made it, and cried through most of the session. I appreciated more where we were and the covenants that we have made. After the session, I waited for Eric and his brother Brian (who came to Spokane with us and leaves for his mission to Uruguay on Wednesday) in the foyer. As they came out, the Temple President came out and asked us if we'd like to meet with him in his office. He ended up giving us amazing blessings with awesome promises and they provided a lot of comfort. I am so grateful for the priesthood and its power.
We miss Andrew so much. We miss his smile, his Spirit, his laugh, holding him, kissing him and so much more. We miss watching Andrew interact with his siblings. He had such a special and unique relationship with each one of his siblings. He already knew how to be soft with Jared and he would give him a "kiss" on the head and then give us a cheesy smile. Life is weird with only four kids. It doesn't feel right, but we are so much more grateful for the four we still have with us.

We will never be the same. We are grateful for the gospel and the knowledge that it blesses us with that we will see Andrew again and be able to raise him. We are so thankful for the 14 months that we had Andrew in our home. He changed us. We now have a physical investment that gives us major incentive to live our lives so we can be with Andrew again.

The kids are doing good. Aubree has a lot of questions and misses him a lot. Tanner and Travis both talk about Andrew being in heaven with Heavenly Father.

We have been blown away by the amount of love and support that people have shown to us. We appreciate it more than you know. We have been blessed with tons of food, cards, people calling and stopping by, flowers, and tons of hugs. We wish we could personally tell everyone thank you, but there are so many people who have reached out to us. Please know that we sincerely and deeply appreciate your kind words, thoughts, prayers, and gifts. Eric went to get me some flowers at the store and the lady asked what the occasion was. After he told her, she said she would give him a deal. He picked out a beautiful bouquet of roses and she gave them to him, no charge.
When we have been having a hard time, we just read through the comments that have been left and we are comforted by your love, prayers, and support. My favorite things are the people who have seen him and know him and tell me things they love about him, like his lips, smile, and eyes.

Eric's family ended up coming to my parents house to celebrate Christmas together. Our families are so wonderful. They have blessed us with so much love and so much support. Andrew's funeral is going to be on Tuesday in Wenatchee.

I can sit and look at pictures and video of Andrew all day. This is my favorite video. Tanner has him laughing so hard that he is crying.
Oh Jenny and Eric - we have celebrated good things with you and now we mourn with you. We love your family so much. You have posted such beautiful pictures of Andrew. He is a beautiful little angel. We are always thinking of you and praying for your family.
I am amazed by your faith. I heard about Andrew through A Daily Scoop and I had a nephew pass from SIDS 6 years ago. I had never met him, yet it was the hardest time of my life. I am also amazed at your story of how your babies came to you. We have twins from IVF and after infertility then a surprise pregnancy, 3 kids in 3 years. But you are a saint, loving and caring for 5 little ones so close in age.
My prayers go out to you and your family. The pictures of Andrew show a gorgeous, happy and well loved little boy. Sending you cyber hugs.
Oh Eric and Jenny (and children), I read that post through teary eyes.
Our family has been in constant thought of your family this week.
It is amazing how deep our feelings for you run, even though we don't know you all that well.
What a wonderful family you have.
-Christine and Jared Potter
Jenny, I feel a kinship with you and I want you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers right now. I am an adoptive mother (4 adoptions, 1 biological)and 3 of them all came within 20 months of each other. Reading about your little Andrew fills my heart. What a special boy, and a special family to have him as their own. Love, Elaine
Jenny and Eric, we are so sorry for your loss!! Your faith and testimony is inspiring. We will keep your family in our thoughts and prayers.
I love the video....it makes me laugh with him, but also makes me sad knowing what you are going through. My prayers are with you at this most difficult time. Isn't our knowledge of the gospel awesome? I am so glad that families can be forever. Hugs to you and your family.
What a beautiful post you did! Prayers are with you guys still! Thanks for sharing your faith and I am so gratful that we have Eternal Families!
What a sweet video! That laugh is just infectious, and the tears... how funny! What a sweet little boy. Our hearts and prayers are with you, we love you and your precious babies. Families are forever means so much more all of a sudden.
What a sweet, sweet boy! He will be missed. Jenny and Eric you two are amazing! Your testimony of the gospel is outstanding. I feel so grateful to have known you back in the Pullman days. Lots of love and prayers are being sent your way. Thank you for sharing. Wish we could make it tomorrow, but we'll be there in spirit. Lots of love!
Your family is so special and I am eternally blessed to know you. You have been in our thoughts and prayers and will continue to be so.
That video melts my heart and makes me smile at the same time.
What amazing faith you have.
We love you guys.
We are so sad for both of you and your family. You both are such wonderful, strong examples for all of us. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Josh and Dora Potter
Thanks for sharing your post- I have wanted to call you but have refrained knowing that your time is needed elsewhere. I have thought of you and your family all day as you say good-bye to his physical body. I am sure the funeral went well and was sacred. I wish I could be there to give support, but know that I am sending heartfelt prayers and thoughts your way. We love you and your family. If there is anything that we can do for your family let us know-I feel somewhat helpless so ANYTHING would be great. I have put more in perspective my life and trying to enjoy and appreciate things that used to seem like mundane tiring daily things-trying to enjoy the time I have with each individual of my family. LOTS of LOVE and HUGS-Celeste
My thoughts and prayers for you and your family. Please know that I am praying that God meets your needs. I am so thankful that you know Him and that He is there throughout this process. In Him.
Jenny and Eric,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. The knowledge of forever families is such a blessing. We love you guys and your sweet family!
Love, The Crawfords
Jenny and Eric,
We are thinking of you and praying for you. I am amazed at your faith and strength. Thank you for your example. I will miss playing with sweet Andrew in Relief Society! He had such a contagious smile and sweet personality.
~JaNeece and Evan Thacker
I came across your blog through another one I follow. You do not know me, but I do want to tell you how sorry I am for your loss of your baby boy, Andrew. He seems like he was a precious baby! Obviously too perfect for this world. I also follow a blog patrickandashley.blogspot.com they recently lost their 18 mth old daughter Preslee and they post very inspiring and uplifting things. It may help you to feel comfort to hear or even speak to someone who knows a little of what you're going through.
I hope your family is able to heal and remember all the amazing things about your sweet baby.
Oh Jenny, my heart is breaking for you. I can't imagine what you are going through. It was a blessing that I came to your blog today. We have been going through some rough trials and it sure put things into perspective as I read of your tragedy. You have been asked to endure some serious trials and I am amazed at your strength and faith. Thank you for your example! It gives me strength.
I am so very sorry about Andrew. I can't imagine what you all are going through right now. My heart aches for you. A true testament to me that the Gospel is true. Families are Forever. We love you and you are in our daily prayers.
Eric and Jenny, we are deeply saddened by your loss. But are amazed at how strong the two of you are. We love you and your sweet family so much. You have and will continue to be in our prayers. Thank you for sharing your story. And always remember,
"When life is more than you can stand...KNEEL"
My heart aches for you and your family. What a comfort the blessings we make in the temple can be. You and your family are in our prayers.
Chad and I's heart aches for you...you've been in our thoughts and prayers and will continue to be. Your testimony of forever families has really touched me and I'm grateful you took a moment to write it down. Your ward family loves you guys.
I am so sorry for your loss. I have no words for you all. My heart especially aches for you, because we lost our son in a tragic accident almost 7 months ago. The reassurance of heaven and God's promises do ease the pain a bit, but it still hurts so much. May the Lord bless you all, and give you peace that surpasses understanding.
Hi There. My name is Sara Hunter and I live in Pleasant Grove, UT. I heard about your blog through "A Daily Scoop" and I am just so touched by your testimony and love. I can not understand your loss, but my heart is hurting for you and your family. Thank you for posting and being such amazing examples. May the Lord bless you in the next days, weeks, and months with the peace you need.
I am sorry for your loss. . . My name is Jan Taylor and we lost our 23 month old son November 3, 2009, just over a year ago. I understand what you are going through and you can visit my blog anytime brianandjansboys.blogspot.com or email me at bjjmltaylor@gmail.com is you ever need support! This is a hard road that we have been called to travel, but it is doable! Jan Taylor
I am so very sorry for your family's loss! He was such a beautiful child that looked so happy! I will be praying for your family. May the Lord give you comfort and peace as only he can!
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