I can't believe that it is already March! We have been busy but doing good.
The kids before church on Sunday. I love how Trav is concentrating on opening a bag of cookies and Aubs tights aren't quite pulled up all the way.
Tanner loves playing with his "windmill."
Andrew is getting so big and is sweeter than ever. At his 4 month appointment he was over 16 pounds. I LOVE how chubby he is getting. He has the sweetest smile and laugh. We are hoping to have Andrew sealed to us in the next two weeks. We are so excited.

The weather has been really nice this winter. This last week it was in the high 50's and Aubree decided she wanted to wear shorts. It ended up a little too cold for her, so she she grabbed her jacket.

My sister gave me a kid's scrub top and Tanner loves to wear it. He wore the stethoscope around his neck for a long time and checked Eric's vitals. Eric was so proud.
We got bored last week and got out Aubree's face paints.
I found Aubree playing with Andrew after their baths. Aubree is so cute with Andrew. She is always entertaining him and holding his hands. He lights up when she walks in the room.
Vampire Tanner. This reminds me of a few weeks ago when Tanner woke up from his nap with a bloody nose and made a mess. When I went in to get him out and I told him it was blood he looked and me, got a smile on his face and said, "Mom, I am vampire!"
Eric has 2 more weeks left in this quarter and then he has Spring Break. We are excited to visit Seattle and look around at housing. It will be nice to get a little break before his last quarter. Eric is so great! We are so proud of him!
Love this picture! So cute!

Trav man. He is growing too fast. He is very particular boy. He loves the alphabet and loves to be read to. I have to read to him his books in a certain way for he won't turn the page.
You have the CUTEST kids... I read your adoption story and then stalked your blog to find out Andrew's story. It definitely brought tears to my eyes. I can't believe all that you have gone through and how strong you are. YOU ARE AMAZiNG! I hope that we will someday (soon) have the opportunity to meet! Hope to talk to you soon!
Autumn Dark
(your new cousin)
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