I have a bunch of pictures from before, during, and after the wedding.
Aubs reading with Trav.
It was somewhat nice last week and I turned on the sprinklers for the kids. Travis and Aubree ended up in a warm "pool" and Tanner on the porch.
Love this pic of our boys. They are so great!
My sisters Amy and Leslie and Jon's wedding with Amy's son Taylor.
We combined three cars of people in to two packed cars, so Amy got to take Aubree and Tanner with her. She is very patient.
Amy had her 30th birthday on the day of the wedding, so we celebrated with cake before we left.
Cousins at Grandma's house for Amy's birthday.
Aubree has face painting kit that has some patterns for drawing on hands and legs. She did a good job with her rainbow sock.
Sisters Sara and Leslie at wedding.
Leslie and Claire
Isaac with my Dad.
Isaac and Aubs waiting outside of the temple. Looks like Isaac wants to fight.
My sister Jackie came to town without her family. She lives in Georgia. It was fun to see her. My Grandma and my Dad are next to her.
Tanner giving Jon and Diana hugs when they came out. He still asks to go back to Diana's.
Eric keeping Andrew in the shade.
I have some professional pics that were taken mixed in. Sara and Jackie with Jon the night before he got married.
5 of my siblings: Leslie, Steve, Tom, Sara, and Jackie
Sara wrote a song for the couple and she sang it at the wedding luncheon. Jon sang the last first to Diana, it was really cute.
One of my favorite pictures of Jon and Diana. After the sealing, the sealer asked them to exchange rings and Jon tried to discreetly put on his ring (he was having a hard time getting it on). The sealer asked to look at it and Jon had put it on his pinky cause they had left his ring in their car. It was pretty funny.
Our whole family picture. It is only missing Jackie's husband and two girls.
Aubs started feeling pretty sick at the reception. I love that she still tries to smile for the picture. She was SO tired and not feeling well at all.
The three single girls left in our family. Mary, Sara, and Leslie. I sure love these girls. They are the best Aunts ever.
Our attempt to do a family picture at the reception. The photographer laughed while he was trying to get a good one.
The above and below pictures are classic Tanner. He shoves as much food in his mouth as he can. This boy loves to eat!
Andrew is the sweetest boy. He is so pleasant and happy!
I have been wanting to add individual updates about the kids, so when I print our blog onto a book it will be cool to look back and have more details about each kid and their personalities and stuff. So... this part is for journalling.
Aubree> She is 4 and a half and acts like she is a teenager already. She is such a good big sister. She always tells Andrew how much she loves him and tells him she wants to kiss him on the lips. She tells him she loves him more than anyone. Aubree loves playing Cuties, Chutes and Ladders, Guess Who?, and Memory. She loves to read all sorts books. She will "read" the book I am going to read to her before I read it to her. It is funny the story she comes up with from the pictures. Aubree has such a good heart. If she is beating us at Cuties, she will try to do what she can to help us win. She is getting really good at cleaning and organizing her room. I went to look at the work she had done and I told her how good she was at organizing and she said, "You are really good too, Mom." She is in preschool, but would rather be at home with her brothers. Aubree loves to do crafts and make things. She is a wonderful helper and is always willing to do whatever I need.
Tanner> He is 10 months younger than Aubs and is growing up so fast. He loves his blanket that his Grandma made for him. If he gets hurt, he runs to get his blankie before he comes to Eric or I. Tanner has a crazy memory. He will watch a movie once or read a book once and have lines memorized. He will randomly throw out lines that keep us guessing where he gets them from. Tanner is always wanting to help. If we are cooking anything he wants to be right there helping and stirring and watching. Tanner loves to eat. He honestly downs more food than Eric some days. He is a really big tease. There is a way he says Travis' name that drives Travis crazy. He knows exactly what buttons to push on people. Tanner loves to snuggle and be held.
Travis> He is almost 2 and a half and is a funny boy. He is starting to talk like crazy. He is putting sentences together and communicate really well. I love the way he talks. Travis loves his siblings, especially Andrew. He is always hugging him and kissing him and getting him toys. He loves it when I let him hold Andrew. Tanner used to yell for Eric and I to come cover him up after he was already in bed. He knew that would get us to come in his room. Travis has now picked that up. Travis will lay and yell for us to cover him up. When we come in, he gets the biggest grin on his face. He will already be covered up. Travis loves letters, numbers, shapes, and colors. He knows really random shapes and colors. He is constantly saying words to us and then telling us what letter it starts with. Travis loves to eat cereal.
Andrew> He is almost 8 months old, weighs 21 pounds, and is as sweet as they come. A lot of days, he is my sanity. He is constantly nice and so happy regardless of what the day throws at him. He is sitting pretty well all by himself. He isn't crawling yet, but gets to what he wants most of the time. He does a good job of pivoting around on his stomach. Andrew is super ticklish, especially under his chin. He is jabbering a lot. He still has no teeth, but you can feel some good bumps on the bottom. Andrew can't get enough of solid foods. At one meal, after a bottle, he can eat a bowl full of rice cereal with a jar of fruit and a jar a vegetables. Somedays he would rather eat the solid foods than his bottle.