I have been thinking a lot this week about all that I am thankful/grateful for, but I haven't got the chance to write out my list till after Thanksgiving. So, here goes...
*in no particular order
I am grateful to be living in near a temple.
I am grateful for our birth mothers and for our adoptions.
I am grateful that Eric is in dental school and that we get to stay close to home for his first year.
I am grateful to have family and help near.
I am grateful for the kids cousins.
I am grateful for our 6 week old who sleeps (10hr!) at night.
I am grateful to be able to "see" Eric using google chat. There are some weeks that the kids see Eric more on the computer than they do in real life.
I am grateful to be more in love today that I ever thought possible over 7 years ago.
I am grateful for my Mom. She allows us to visit a lot and comes to our house once a week so I can get errands done.
I am grateful for such a wonderful husband who is also the best dad.
I am grateful for Aubree. She is such a sweetheart and makes my life easier.
I am grateful for Tanner. He has such an awesome sense of humor and infectious smile.
I am grateful for Travis. He is such a mommy's boy and I love it.
I am grateful for Andrew. He his such a good baby and I can't get enough of him.