As 2008 comes to a close, we want to send our greetings and love to each of you. We currently live in Cheney, WA, while I attend graduate school, and we really like it here. Our three kids are so much fun. They are growing up so fast.
Aubree turned three, on December 20th, and she thinks that she is ready to be a teenager. She thinks that she should be able to wear make-up and earrings. The exciting thing that happened for her was that she became potty trained over the summer - it has been nice to have one less child needing diaper management. She is an excellent big sister. She loves to help take care of her brothers, tell on them, and play with them. She really tries hard to be obedient to her mommy and daddy - she makes us really proud.
Tanner, who turned two in October, keeps all of us on our toes. He plays hard and sleeps hard. We love it when he is awake and playing with us, and we also love it when he takes naps and goes to bed. Although he is really busy, he is also very sweet. I can always count on him to drop whatever he is doing to run up and give me a hug and kiss when I get home, and he usually says, "Daddy, I missed you." He knows how to make me melt. He and Aubree are best friends. They get along so good, but sometimes, they have some really entertaining fights (during these times, Jenny and I have to restrain ourselves from laughing and try to maintain our composure). Tanner loves to read books, and he is able to recognize most letters in the alphabet.
Travis, our youngest, turned one about two weeks before Aubree's third birthday. He is a really soft-hearted little boy. If Jenny or I walk past Travis without acknowledging him, his eyes well up with tears, and he acts as though we have deeply offended him. He loves his siblings. He crawls after them, as they run around and play games. Travis is a really sweet boy. He has a kind and gentle disposition. Each of our children are so special and precious. We feel so blessed to be their parents.
Fortunately, although we are really busy with our three kids, I have an angel wife. Jenny is such a great mom. The kids adore her. She made a seamless adjustment to having three kids. She is a great support and strength to everyone in our family. She has endured two moves this year. She is diligent about exercising and goes to the gym five days each week. She is a great chef, and she is always finding new meals to make. She has been teaching the gospel principles Sunday school class at church. She does really good at that, and the people in her class really love her. She takes care of me, and that seems to be a full-time job. I think I add way more stress to her life than the kids.
I am going to school at Eastern Washington University, working on a Masters degree in Exercise Science, which is keeping me busy. The plan is to complete this degree in June of 2009 and start dental school in August. I was accepted to the University of Washington and University of Southern California dental schools, and it is looking like we will attend UW. I am currently coaching hurdles for the Eastern Washington University track and field team. Life is going good, and we are having fun. We hope all of you have enjoyed this holiday season.
Merry Christmas! Love, Eric, Jenny, Aubree, Tanner, and Travis Nygard